subway sign

Vintage Metro Subway Sign

By | unique antiques, vintage signs | No Comments

After watching the show 9 by Design, I felt inspired to make some sort of big city sign. I decided on this one which was inspired by a French subway sign. This piece is intended to be a console table top, but after I built it I realized that it could stand alone on a wall as a decoration. So I’ll be offering this (de)sign for sale. This top is quite heavy, maybe 30 lbs, so I’ll be making a thinner gauge version which will look identical, just weigh half as much. You could also tape pictures behind each letter to make an interesting gallery. The steel has a vintage patina, like a dark blue and gray, and the metal has a matte sealer on it. This will be priced at $350 approximately. I could do custom sizes too. Size is 36″ x 16″ and it is 1.5″ deep.

And here is the layout for another sign I’m working on based off of a vintage NYC subway sign. This will probably be 5′ wide and priced around $695. It’ll be all steel with rivets on the face, just like the Metro sign above.